A distressed owner is in tears after discovering his dog stuck in a foxhole for an agonizing 50 hours.

It is really difficult to understand the level of fear and anxiety that consumes the owner when his beloved pet disappears, unless you have experienced it yourself. Constant anxiety about their whereabouts, their well-being or even their survival. These are the questions that afflict the owner with enormous stress and sadness.

This exact scenario was revealed to Alan Wheaton, a 53-year-old life coach, when a Jack Russell named Mitzi disappeared during one of their usual outings. This was the first time Mitzi disappeared, leaving Alan in a state of deep distress and panic.

Mitzi. A faithful companion

Alan welcomed Mitzi into his life as a puppy in 2018 after losing his longtime companion, tinker. Overcoming such a big loss was difficult, but having Mitzi by his side made things more bearable!

Mitzi has always been an affectionate and loyal girl since the first day, and she faithfully follows Alan wherever he goes. She is a beloved dog who adores snuggling with her owner! And even during moments of mischief or strange behavior, she does not lose her irresistible charm.

One day, a pair of enslaved companions decided to take a usual walk when a basset hound began chasing her. Unfortunately, she did not return.

She disappeared for two days in a row

Alan spent the rest of that day desperately searching for his dog, but without any success. Despite completely scouring the area, there was no sign of Mitzi, who mysteriously disappeared.

As it was already dark, Alan eventually returned home. He had a sleepless night full of worries about his little partner who had never slept outside before. Given its vulnerability to potential predators in the forest, he could not help but fear the worst.

The search continued over the next two days but did not yield any luck in finding his beloved companion. Alan even distributed missing posters around the area in the hope of receiving any information from the local community.

Just when everything seemed gloomy and desperate, around 11 am, he received an unexpected phone call.

One resident reported that their dog was sniffing around a hole near their house. Alan dropped everything and immediately rushed to investigate that location!

Arriving at the site, he took out some of Mitzi’s toys and playfully squeezed them near the entrance to the pit. Within moments, he heard a faint moan from Mitzi, although he could not see her. With the help of nearby residents, they began to dig in the hole. After almost two hours of determined effort, he was finally reunited with Mitzi!

When her little head came out from inside the hole, she looked at her loving father. He reached out to her and gently lifted her to his chest while tears streamed down his face.

The crowd that helped this man save his dog erupted in cheers of joy. They were thrilled to watch the owner and his beloved pet finally reunite after enduring such hardships together.

Having lost almost all hope, Alan finally hugged Mitzi in his arms! He shed tears thinking about everything that could have gone wrong if he hadn’t found her in time. But now she was there, safe and secured in his lap-and that was all that really mattered!

Still going strong

The great news is that this white and brown girl remained unharmed after the accident.

She did not suffer any injuries-only a few ticks that were removed as soon as she was rescued.

Mitzi and her dad are still doing well, enjoying their life side by side! He even created an Instagram account named MiracleMitzi in her honor, where Mitzi shares daily adventures with his followers.

Mitzi’s “accident” only strengthened their bond and they loved each other even more after she was miraculously rescued that day from the pit.

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