Fearful Stray Dog Hugging A Hooman For The First Time Will Leave You In Tears.-dtht

Rescuing stray animals is not always an easy task, and Donna Lochmann, from Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Missouri, surely knows that after more than 20 years of…

A dog from a puppy mill was hesitant when he met his rescuers, but they were not giving up on him.dvh

We’ve all read a story at one point or another about a rescue dog who spent his whole life living on the streets and being terrified of…

(VIDEO) Actor and former wrestler Dave Bautista adopts an abandoned dog found in a cemetery, desperately rummaging through trash cans for food with a metal wire cruelly wrapped around its neck-pvth

A terrible situation occurred in Tennessee, United States, and it is unknown how many people set fire to a dog, and while she is now stable, she…