Once a bait dog who lost half her face in cruel fights, she has now found love and healing in a forever home, her new life a beautiful testament to resilience and hope-pvth

A  dog that was “used as bait” in dog fighting and lost half her face has discovered the meaning of genuine love after being adopted. Haddie is unrecognizable after being mercilessly mauled by fighting  dogs in an unlawful operation.

Her skin was “rotting” and flaking off, so she had to have a significant amount of it removed, leaving her with only one eye.

Erin Williams, 36, was drawn to her distinctive look and the two now live securely and happily in Washington, D.C.

Haddie has overcome her phobia of other dogs and now likes nothing more than playing in her neighborhood park.

“She’s become a genuine dog’s dog, which thrills my heart,” Erin told The Mirror.

Erin discovered Haddie on the online pet website petfinder.com in August 2020 and couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Haddie was rescued from a dogfighting ring by a kind stranger and taken to Mutt Scouts in South California.

The two-year-old dog was hurt all over, but his face was the worst. According to a veterinarian, her injuries and disposition were caused by her employment as a “bait dog.”

“We don’t know much about her personal experience in that world,” Erin added, “but it’s possible that the dog fighters pushed their ‘fighting dogs’ to continuously assault her to ‘train.’”

“In these cases, all of the dogs are victims.”

Erin and Haddie became inseparable when Mutt Scouts matched them and changed their lives.

Erin didn’t know Haddie’s true birthday, so she made one up based on Dolly Parton’s birthday, January 19th.

Haddie was first characterized as “kind and silly” by Erin, but she was scared of other dogs. Hearing a dog bark or seeing another dog caused her body to shiver violently. Erin recruited the assistance of a dog trainer to assist Haddie in overcoming her deep-seated phobias.

She continued, “We’d feed her hot dogs and introduce her to a dog across the park.” “Then we’d approach closer and closer till she connected dogs with security and teats.”

“In the end, I feel her personality enabled it.” I’m sure her intelligence and resilience benefited the process.”

Haddie now likes racing around with other dogs in her neighborhood park, and she performs a “funny little hop” when she’s happy to go outside.

“She’s a social butterfly,” the narrator continues. Erin stated, “She likes humans and expects everyone to stroke her ears.”

Haddie is required to apply medicinal sunscreen on her nose and scars everytime she leaves the house, but otherwise she is just like any other dog, just with a little different look.

Strangers inevitably notice and inquire about the unique dog, but Erin claims the reactions aren’t as negative as she had imagined.

“The majority of individuals react with warmth and kindness. “Her excitement for life is so clear that it would be impossible not to be,” Erin stated.

“We sometimes receive a harsh remark or an uneasy look, but they’re luckily few and far between. Those individuals will never know her, thus their loss is theirs.”

Erin’s life has also been changed by the one-of-a-kind  dog, who has assisted her in coping with depression.

“Haddie is always there to remind me to go for a walk, and she’s always up for a free afternoon snooze,” Erin noted.

Erin set up Instagram and TikTok profiles for Haddie, and she claims her fans have taught her how “unbelievably nice the world can be.”

“The folks I meet there are encouraging and considerate, and I’m glad,” Erin remarked.

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