Abandoned Dog Wouldn’t Move From His Spot For 2 Weeks Not Realizing His Owner Is Not Coming Back

Abandoned Dog Wouldn’t Move From His Spot For 2 Weeks Not Realizing His Owner Is Not Coming Back

There is something just so heartbreaking about a loyal dog who waits for his owner to return despite being abandoned.

The idea that they have hope of seeing their favorite person can make anyone sad because we know that’s now how the real world works.

When they are abandoned, it’s highly unlikely they will meet their owner again. But, that doesn’t mean there is no hope for something better.

Even though they are abandoned, that means they get a chance to meet someone who will truly value them and show them the love they deserve.

That’s essentially what happened to this senior dog when he was abandoned on the streets of California. He waited at the same spot for weeks, but then he met someone amazing.

A Woman Took Pity On Him

abandoned little dog

Considering he spent a while lying in the same place he was dumped in, the dog attracted some attention from the people who lived there.

He would constantly move to the road to check if his owners were coming back for him. When he got tired of waiting, he went to lie on the grass nearby.

This is particularly important because a kind woman noticed the sad dog and took pity on him. She kept feeding him for days but even she knew he needed better help.

So, she called Suzette Hall for help. While she was not able to go there herself at that moment, she sent her friend Mary Nakiso to the scene to help.

cute abandoned dog

Once she arrived, Mary immediately examined this sweet dog. She noticed that he was actually a senior dog, but didn’t know exactly how old he was.

He was covered in fleas and had a very big heart murmur. He will obviously need a thorough medical examination so they could be able to know if he was going to be okay.

She noticed that he was not particularly scared of other people which meant that he was probably not abused in the past.

Bruno’s Life In A New Home

angry abandoned dog

Mary immediately took him back to the shelter in California where the kind rescuers, along with Suzette Hall, took care of him.

He received the medical attention he needed and was making a recovery. Even though he was a senior dog, he was still mostly healthy.

They decided to name him Bruno. Now that this adorable pooch is recovering, Hall and Mary need to find a more permanent home for him.

In the meantime, Hall got her friend, Jenny Sutherland, to foster Bruno for a few months while they looked for a new family.

While he was in her care, he finally got a chance to just relax and be a dog again. Even though he was a senior, Bruno still had energy left in him.

old woman and brown dog

Time passed by and Hall was actually very successful in finding him a new home. His new mom is just so amazing.

She was thrilled to meet Bruno for the first time and there was an instant connection between them. Jenny was sad that this sweet doggo had to go, but it was for the best.

He will undoubtedly enjoy being with her, and I am so happy to see that he is finally getting the love and care he deserves.

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