Rescuers Stunned by X-Ray Findings After Discovering Dog Hiding Beneath a Car

As soon as Briana Flores and her crew at iPittytheBull, a non-profit organization in Chino, California, received a message about an injured dog hiding under a car, they headed to the address.

Once the rescue team arrived at the scene, they looked under the broken-down car and saw the frightened doggo who had a heartbreaking expression on her face.

The rescue team spoke to the pup but she didn’t react. She was lying motionless on the ground, too scared to trust them.

Flores offered her food, hoping to win her over.

The moment the starving dog smelled the food, she moved closer and started eating.

As the rescuers tried to help the terrified canine, they couldn’t imagine the shocking truth that they would soon discover.

Rescuing The Doggo

dog hiding under a car

Although the canine gradually began letting her guard down, she didn’t want to get out of her hiding place.

Determined to bring her to safety, the good humans continued feeding her

Luckily, the dog, later named Stella, started trusting them and she began moving closer toward them.

After Flores put a leash over Stella’s neck, the doggo became more scared. The rescuer gave her more food until she relaxed.

Fifteen minutes later, Flores and her crew managed to get her out.

Once the rescuers saw Stella standing in front of them, their hearts shattered. Her state was terrible. She was malnourished and injured.  

dog and woman next to a car

Although the canine had a large belly, her rescuers weren’t sure that she was pregnant.

After they convinced Stella to follow them, her heroes placed her in the front seat of the car. She looked at them with immense sadness in her eyes.

As the good humans looked at her up close, they noticed that her whole body was covered in wounds. The large wounds on her head and neck worried them the most. 

Flores and her crew rushed Stella to the pet clinic, located in Anaheim, California.

Fighting For Stella’s Life

rescued dog

Stella stayed at the hospital. Her condition was serious. The vet team fought for her survival and hoped that she was rescued in time.

The vet informed the rescuers that they believed that Stella endured abuse in the hands of a merciless owner and that she somehow managed to escape.

Both Stella’s rescuers and the vet team breathed a sigh of relief when Stella started getting better. 

After she was discharged from the hospital, Flores and her husband, John, the founder of iPittytheBull, took her home to foster her. 

dog wearing a red hoodie

They showered the pup with love and proved to her that good humans exist.

Stella proved to be a real fighter. With each passing day, her health improved more and she began warming up to her foster family.

Miraculous Recovery

woman holding the dog at the park

Eight days after Stella was rescued, the wounds on her body and contusions on her lungs healed. The sharp objects in her body passed without causing her any problems.

The vet was surprised by the doggo’s miraculous recovery.

“The vets can’t explain how she healed so quickly they can only read what they see on the xrays. Our girl is expected to make 100% complete recovery making her one step closer to her forever home,“ the rescue wrote in a Facebook post.

woman kissing the dog
Source: IPittytheBull

Although her previous owner inflicted so much pain on her, Stella showed her forgiving nature toward humans. She trusted her fosters and snuggled with them.

The doggo enjoyed going on walks with her foster family.

After Stella fully recovered, she found her dream parents who adored her.

man woman and a dog

The doggo forgot her sad past and turned a new page in her life. She feels over the moon because she has a loving family that every dog deserves.

Thank you to all the wonderful people who participated in rescuing Stella and helping her find her happiness.

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