“Please, save my babies!” A mother dog sacrificed her life to protect her puppies from the cold during the snowstorm.dvh

Stray Dog Hugged 7 Babies Before Freezing To Death Volunteer: It Took Two Days To Separate Them One snow-clearing afternoon, a netizen saw a dog lying in the snow in the distance. Most of its body was covered in ice and snow.

As he got closer, he discovered that the big dog was holding 7 puppies that were barely a month old in her arms.

The stray dog hugged 7 babies before being frozen to death. Volunteer: It took two days to separate them

They huddled together to keep warm, rubbing up against their mother from time to time and making little moans.

Stray Dog Hugged 7 Babies Before Freezing To Death Volunteer: It Took Two Days To Separate Them Looking at the mother, he realized that she had long since frozen solid, turned into an ice sculpture.

The mother was lying on her side, apparently holding and nursing her puppies during their last moments of life.

The stray dog hugged 7 babies before being frozen to death. Volunteer: It took two days to separate them

Stray Dog Hugged 7 Babies Before Freezing To Death Volunteer: It Took Two Days To Separate Them The netizen immediately contacted a local shelter. When volunteers arrived, they speculated that the mother may have been poisoned.

The saddest thing is that, despite knowing she was going to die, the mother tried to crawl back to her pups in her final moments, maintaining that posture even after passing away, trying to offer them her last trace of body heat.

This act of motherly love was deeply touching.

The stray dog hugged 7 babies before being frozen to death. Volunteer: It took two days to separate them

The stray dog ​​hugged 7 babies before freezing to death. Volunteer: It took two days to separate them. Because the mother and her pups were firmly frozen together, the volunteers had to take them together for the rescue.

It took two full days to separate them.

One of the pups remained clinging to its mother, not wanting to leave… Afterwards, it cried for a long time, as if it knew that with this departure, it would no longer have its mother.

The stray dog ​​hugged 7 babies before freezing to death. Volunteer: It took two days to separate them

The stray dog hugged 7 babies before being frozen to death. Volunteer: It took two days to separate them

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