The Hidden Threat: Mangoworms in Dogs – What Every Pet Owner Needs to Know.dvh

As loving  pet owners, we strive to keep our furry friends safe and healthy. However, there’s a hidden threat that many of us are unaware of – mangoworms. These…

Mama dog is sad when she realizes all her puppies have been adopted, but she still hasn’t found a home.dvh

Parting ways with the ones you love, even on a short-term basis, is always a heartbreak. Now, imagine being forced to say one last goodbye – forever!…

Puppy abandoned in a remote area inside a suitcase, but he never gave up

Puppy abandoned in a remote area inside a suitcase, but he never gave up

The rescue team of the Trani Cane League came across one of the most heartbreaking situations of the past year. A guy was traveling between Trani and…