A woman rescues a heartbroken Pitbull from a shelter, and the dog shows its gratitude with constant, loving embraces-pvth

Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ dogs are always sad because they don’t get much love from owners. Therefore, nobody can imagine how grateful and happy a sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ dog is when he…

Stuck in thick mud, the dog summoned every ounce of energy to whimper for help, urgently pleading for a life-saving rescue-pvth

An abandoned tired dog laid down on freshly dumped tar as he was looking for a place that could keep him warm in Suwałki, Poland. Unfortunately, the…

The heartbroken dog tenderly buries her lost puppy, showing her maternal instincts even in sorrow, gently covering the tiny body before walking away-pvth

Nothing is more devastating for a mother than the death of a kid; moms in the animal world, like human women, are overprotective. Bettie, a dog, experienced…